St. Jude's
Plant Immune Stimulator
Spend Just ₹ 1.25 - 5/Plant
& Save your Crops from Plant Diseases
Yes, St. Jude’s Plant Immune Stimulator is all you need to get rid of all Plant Diseases within just below ₹ 5 per Plant with Guaranteed results within 72 Hours. Efficient, Cost Effective & Safe with 42 different Active Ingredients.
Incubated by National Research Development Corporation, DSIR, Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India.
Why St. Jude's?
It Prevents and Cures Fungal, Bacterial & Viral Diseases.
Results can be seen in 72 Hours.
Patent Published & Patent Prioritized in 189 Countries.
Used on Commerial Crops, Vegetables, Fruits & Flowers and more.
Increases the yield by 30% to 80%.
Manufactured in India.

Our Product was tested for Toxicity at Institute of Industrial Research and Toxicology (IIRT) on Wistar Albino Rats. Accordingly it is proven as non Toxic with LD50 cut – off value 5000 mg/kg b. wt. That is, Consumption of a dose too won’t harm us.*
Pretty Impressive isn’t it.
It’s 100% Organic (Purely Herbal)
Our Product is fed to the root of Plants unlike its Alternatives.
It works like the medicine we consume.
Scientific Background
Plants too, like Humans, have their own Immune System, Although plants lack human’s T cells and other immune-function cells to signal and fight infection; scientists have known that plants still signal that they have been attacked in order to trigger a plant wide resistance. While tallying, it was found that the immune response in both were similar only that it was performed by a different body in a different way. Also, It had been noted that Plants are resistant to certain Pathogens, Our Aim was to increase this resistance which thereby lead to the resisting of all Pathogens including which caused Plant Diseases that would lead to CURE AND PREVENTION OF PLANT DISEASES; and that was achieved by feeding Plants with certain active Pharmacuetical ingredients (mimicking the use of medicine in Human, Eg. Paracetamol for Fever), They were fed to plants through root from where minerals & water is absorbed.
Hence, Plantopathy was born, A New Branch of Medical Science for Plants. Our 1st and current formulation based on Plantopathy manufactured “St. Jude’s Plant Immune Stimulator “is Identified to have 42 different Active Ingredients also they were extracted from Several Medicinal Plants. From then, It has been curing all kind of Fungal, Bacterial, Viral Diseases in crops including but not limited to diseases such as Yellow Leaf Disease in Arecanut, Quick Wilt in Pepper and Premature fruit/leaves fall which doesn’t have a reliable cure today. This Invention has the capability of completely nullifying the threat of Plant Diseases which is a threat to Global food Security. Also it avoids the use of Pesticides, Fungicides etc on crops which has been causing problem ever since. Actually, This research was conducted due to harsh effect of Endosulfan which still haunts us, the People of Kasaragod.

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